About Us


H.I.S. MENistries Community Services, Inc. is a community, Christian-based, non-profit organization designed to encourage our nation's high-risk and underserved male youth to reach their full potential by providing programs and services that will enhance their lives through mentoring.


To recruit, train, and provide mentors for every one of our nation's young males that need one and equip each mentor to become effective role models, educators, and advocators for our youth.

Core Scripture: 

"Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Our Core principles



Self esteem




Our founder

Our Founder

Mr. Tracy K. Lewis

Believer, Author, Speaker and Coach. Teaching is my gift. Relationships, Self-Improvement & Parenting is my purpose. Broken men & at-risk youth is my ministry, and my life has been one of the most interesting of journeys.


I was abandoned at age 7 by my parents and started out in life missing the two most important aspects of growing up, a nurturing mother who could show and tell me about love and a stable father who could show and tell me who I was and how to be a man. Without the guidance of my parents, I was on my own to learn the aspects of life the best way I could. My life started taking a turn for the worse when I started using alcohol and drugs to feel better about myself and to forget the pain of my past of not having the guidance of my parents. 


Eventually the streets became my calling, and I learned the art of hustling, dealing drugs, chasing women and short stays in jail for a variety of misdemeanors. I never held a decent job or relationship because I was never taught how to be stable. I wound up homeless as the lifestyle took its toll on me. I met a judge who offered me a chance to get my life together and I took advantage of it. Thanks to rehab and counseling I am able to express how I felt about my past and forgive my parents.


I was introduced to God shortly thereafter and started learning how to receive and give love unconditionally. I started this non-profit as a way of giving back to my community by mentoring young boys and helping single moms raise their sons. With the help of God and His Grace and Mercy, my mess turned into my message, my test turned into my testimony, and my tragedy turned into my triumph. I started out an underdog, but I am now an overcomer.  

"Teach these boys to be men!"

I couldn't have said it better. Our children are looking up to us, especially the young boys, but what do they see? They are constantly fighting to find out who they are. And they're fighting and killing each other to do it. Bringing a mentor into their lives is the best way to bring about a positive outcome for them, and the benefits are endless. 

Statistically speaking: 

Benefits for youth:

  • Increased high school graduation rates
  • Lower high school dropout rates
  • Healthier relationships and lifestyle choices
  • Better attitude about school
  • Higher college enrollment rates and higher educational aspirations
  • Enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Improved behavior, both at home and at school
  • Stronger relationships with parents, teachers, and peers
  • Improved interpersonal skills
  • Decreased likelihood of initiating drug and alcohol use

Mentoring is often one component of a program that involves other elements, such as tutoring or life skills training and coaching. The supportive, healthy relationships formed between mentors and mentees are both immediate and long-term and contribute to a host of benefits for mentors and mentees.

Our programs

The mentoring Center

The Mentoring Center is an after-school facility designed to house our two programs. Our students will learn some basic skills that are necessary for them to face the challenges of life and succeed.

Our students will learn our over-all core values of Honesty, Integrity, Self-Esteem, Moderation, Encouragement and Non-Violence.

Our students will also learn the value of education with homework studies and tutoring if needed. Other basic skills taught will center around behavior, and character building as well as basic computer and recreation activities designed to help them grow.

Special skills such as making a bed, tying shoelaces, telling time with a second hand and even riding a bike. A few sports activities will also be added.

Our students will also be involved with outside activities such as taking trips in and around the city and even day trips to other places.

In addition, we added a component that ties their behavior at home and school to the center. Practicing good behavior will enable them to participate in a variety of inside and outside activities planned at the center.

The Godfather program

The God-Father Program is for our students ages 7-17. This process begins to teach and challenge our students with acquiring the basic skills needed for a positive lifestyle. The Mentoring Center provides special labs designed to teach our students basic skills.

The Skills Lab is designed to guide our students to understand the importance of education. Doing homework, studying and tutoring will give them a better advantage of passing their grades. Lessons in anger management, conflict resolution, critical thinking will also be employed to enhance their ability to cope with adverse situations.


The Computer Lab is designed to teach basic computer skills. Some of the areas will include operation and navigation, sending and receiving emails, safe internet surfing, researching information and a variety of other computer tasks. This lab will also double as part of The Recreation Lab.


The Recreation Lab is designed to help teach our students how to interact and get along with each other while learning how to cope in a variety of situations. For example, how to win and lose in a positive manner.

The lazarus program

The Lazarus Program was developed for youth who have been placed in the Juvenile Justice System. This program serves youth who are returning to their community after being released from incarceration. 


The program employs basic life, social and character-building skills and principles to guide them back to a place of wholeness. The program also involves helping the youth with a variety of other facets to include:


*Meeting the terms of probation.

*Gain a high school diploma or GED.

*Learning job skills and find employment.

*Strengthen relationships with family.

*Disengage from negative behaviors and activities.

*Gain alternative social and coping skills.

*Anger management skills.

The program will leverage its knowledge of the community's strengths to provide opportunities and improve outcomes for youth. These skills are all part of the programs comprehensive approach to enhance public safety, hold youth accountable when they offend, and encourage as well as empower all youth to live up to their full potential.

What Our Moms Are Saying...


I'm a single mother of two and didn't have a lot of time to spend with Ty due to my oldest son having Cerebral Palsy. I knew Ty needed a male figure in his life to teach him how to be a man. Ty was such a shy boy and had a lot of problems interacting with his peers at home and in school. I had to find someone fast and happened to be talking with a stranger on the phone who mentioned they knew a man that did mentoring. I got a number from her and called it that night. 


Mr. Lewis arranged a meeting and came out to meet with Ty and me. After talking with Ty he decided to become his mentor immediately and started coming over and taking Ty under his wing. Immediately I noticed a difference in Ty after just one outing with Mr. Lewis. His face would light up every time he talks with and goes out with Mr. Lewis. He came home with excitement telling me everything they did on their outing.


Mr. Lewis has caused a major attitude adjustment in Ty and I noticed it right away. Mr. Lewis also comes to his school programs, talks with his teachers and principle, checks on his progress and helps Ty with his homework. Mr. Lewis also spends time with my oldest son Jamal before he takes Ty on their outings. He plays video and computer games with Jamal and talks with him through the computer device that Jamal has.


Mr. Lewis has also mentored me on several occasions with a few insights and wisdom. He was instrumental in helping me go back to school and get my degree in Criminal Justice and kept Ty for me while I attended classes. Mr. Lewis was a Godsend to Ty, Jamal, and myself and I am grateful to God for that call I made and the stranger who God used to point me to Mr. Lewis and his program.


Eleanor Faye S. 


My son Christopher has been in Mr. Lewis's mentoring program for over 5 years and has learned a lot on self-control and behavior issues. My son has been diagnosed with ADHD and comprehension problems so it's hard for him to understand many tasks that he has to do in his life. It was hard being a single mother of three and trying to make sure that my only son was able to function as he should with other boys his age. Mr. Lewis took him under his wing and started working with him and he started showing progress.

I remember the time Christopher was failing in school and would not graduate if he didn't raise his grades. I didn't know what to do because I wasn't that good with the math and stuff they were learning these days. I called Mr. Lewis and he came over right away and spoke with Christopher. When they finished talking my son got excited. He told me that Mr. Lewis told him that if he made his grade that he would take him to Kings Dominion for his graduation.

Little did I know that some of the other kids in his program were facing the same problem my son was facing and that Mr. Lewis had gone to the other kids and told them the same thing. This challenge came to him in the second semester and with Mr. Lewis's help my son's grades went from D's and F's to C+'s and B's. Christopher not only graduated but got the most improved student award. The other children made their grades as well with the same challenge Mr. Lewis gave them.

I felt so good about Christopher's attitude that when my girls started having problems I asked Mr. Lewis to help them too. He did so and their behavior has improved dramatically. I thank God for Mr. Lewis's program for without him I don't think I could have made it through.

Marguerite Q.

Jacob H.

I just want to thank you Mr. Lewis for the significant role you played and the impact you made on my son Jacob's life. Jacob is a typical boy with atypical behavioral challenges. Mr. Lewis has graciously taken on the responsibility of mentoring Jacob even with his challenges.

Due to the absence of Jacob's biological father Mr. Lewis has been a mentor to Jacob and fulfilled a major void in his life. Mr. Lewis's influence has provided Jacob with a consistent male presence. Mr. Lewis has demonstrated a strong sense of unconditional acceptance and a nurturing support for Jacob.

Jacob occasionally exhibits challenging behaviors that allow Mr. Lewis to demonstrate and reinforce acceptable ways to resolve conflict for Jacob to follow. This noteworthy relationship has provided Jacob with exposure and reinforcement of healthy life skills, educational venues, physical fitness activities and promoting healthy social skills.

This rich and rewarding relationship with Mr. Lewis has had a profound effect on Jacob. I believe their relationship will have a lasting and lifelong affect and impact on my son's life. I am truly grateful for Mr. Lewis and his program.

Theresa H

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